Time Warp Trio Wiki

Michael "Mike" is Fred's older brother and the minor antagonist in Time Warp Trio.

Appearance []

Mike is a large white male with strawberry blonde hair, a red baseball hat turned backwards, a gray sleeveless hoodie, light blue jeans and red sneakers.


Mike is shown to be controlling, short-temperd, and quite belligerent. He takes enjoyment bullying Fred and making him feel inferior to him. But just like Fred, his anger can wound up giving him the short end of the stick as seen in Viking It and Liking It, when he tried to chase them through the fire escape but wounded up get stuck in the window and resulted in him getting mocked by the trio.

Episodes appeared[]

Episodes that Mike appears in:

  • See You Later, Gladiator (1st) (cameo)
  • Viking It and Liking It (cameo)